Friday, October 10, 2014

Leadership Lessons from Ferris Bueller

Can you hear it in the background?
The teacher is taking attendance and the class is already looking extremely bored, while our hero is faking sick and planning the ultimate escape day, taking his best friend and his girl along on the ride.

And the quote is simple & true...if we don't stop in this fast life, lots will pass us by & we will miss it.

As leaders, we need to help our teams focus on stopping & looking around:

  • when things are going well, there are successes to celebrate
  • when trying something new, there are learnings to observe, dots to connect to other projects
  • when a project is falling off the rails, stopping to look around could help us find a new route or trigger
While all of this stopping can take time, it can also save us valuable people, ideas and process development that could have been missed along the way.

What are you prepare to miss?

I hope the response is 'as little as possible'!

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