Saturday, August 14, 2010

Business Breakthrough...Are Your Ready?

If you’ve been working to grow your business for a while now and things aren’t happening as fast as you want, then I’d like to help you create a MAJOR business BREAKTHROUGH.

Here’s the scoop…

I’ve heard from a lot of small businesses that are having an especially difficult time getting their business to grow fast these days. After hearing about so many people’s struggles, I decided to do something about it…

I’d like to invite you to take advantage of a special, “Business Breakthrough” coaching session where we’ll work together to…

• Create a crystal clear vision for your ‘ultimate business success’ and the “perfect lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide

• Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your business and keeping you working too many hours.

• Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to turn your business into a highly profitable, revenue-generating machine that practically runs itself.

If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, very limited, and totally FREE 30 minute “Business Breakthrough” coaching session, comment below and answer these questions…
1. How long have you had your business?
2. What kind of product/service do you provide?
3. What are your revenue goals for the next 12 months?
4. What was your business revenue over the last 12 months? (ballpark)
5. What do you see as the major challenges holding you and your business back from growing at the pace you want?

6. On a scale of 0-10, how important is it for you to overcome your challenges and achieve your goals today?

7. Full Name

8. Email Address

9. Phone #

10. Time Zone

NO Personal and Confidential Information will be posted to the Blog.  This is for contact only.

Let me know the areas you would most like to work on:
Sales Process
Turning Your Team Into High Performers
Cash Flow Strategies
Customer Service
Systemizing & Streamlining Processes
Leadership & Delegation
...Anything else you can think of that will move the needle for your business.

Again, to take advantage of this offer, simply comment below and answer the questions listed above.

Warmest Regards,

Professional Success Coach
Solstice Group Coaching

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