Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Taking a Hit

Somedays you are blindsided by life - leaders, team members....everyone! 

What to do?

Suck in your abs and take it? You may tear up a little, get the breath knocked out of you, but if you try to be calm, try to be positive, stand up...brush yourself off and get back going wherever life was leading.

An effective leader can help the team take the hit too.  Leaders shoulder the brunt, the fall out will trickle down...usually.  Leaders need to learn to communicate the hits with facts, action steps and honesty.

How can leaders tell if a team member has taken a hit?  Do you look for body language, change in work performance, difference in social interactions in the group?  Take steps now to learn about your team so that when they take a hit, you can be there to help them regroup.

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