Monday, May 14, 2012

How Do You Create Synergy?

Synergy can come from any type of circumstance.

Building synergy in and around your business is a leader's mission.

Here are a few ways to do this:
  • collaborate within teams in the organization (this will also help to eliminate silos)
  • join associations that include your competitors - keeps you focused and also helps you stay on trend
  • meet with key thought leaders outside of your business for lunch - pick their brains, and encourage your team to do the same
  • join a Mastermind Team - get input from others in different industries who can share experiences and help you and your business grow
  • get a group coach - teambuilding opportunities with a coach can help new perspectives develop along with eliminate old boundaries
Not difficult to do...just takes action.  Can you do this?  Can you plan even 1?  Let me know how it's going!

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