Monday, May 21, 2012

The Step Before You Start

Are you thinking about starting your own business?  Ready to take on the challenges of solo-preneurship?
The first step is usually the hardest.  There are so many things to consider, even before you start a business plan.

Usually it starts with an idea.  You know you can solve a specific problem for a specific group of people.  The idea germinates from here and becomes a full blown business (ad)venture!

I took these steps.  My clients have taken these steps too, and sometimes many times over.
Here are some things to consider even before you think about taking that first step:
  1. are you ready for the insecurity of no secure, steady pay cheque?
  2. is your family ready for that?
  3. do you have any idea where to start?
  4. do you have a role-model?
  5. what will it take for you to tackle all of this?  there is quite a lot to do
Have I attacked your passion enough?  You may really be sitting there saying "I'll show you EXACTLY what I can do!!!"

That's what I wanted to know.  Are you passionate enough to get this plan in motion and get it in motion NOW?

Here is a new tool I have developed.  It is called 'Get Started - 7 Steps to Get to the Heart of Your Business'.  This download will definitely make you think through all the heart-centred, passion-focused issues that you could be facing or need to consider as well as provide you with a go to list of other things that need to be addressed in your business planning sessions.

Let me know how I can help.  You can always use a complimentary 30 minute Clear Vision session to start talking about your new business (ad)venture with me, and get clear on how to start

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