Friday, November 23, 2012

The Fuzzy World

It's Friday and I am back on the blog about 2013.  It is getting here faster than you think.
It is really time to focus.
The world of business and well, just the world itself can be fuzzy.
Time to take a moment for yourself and focus.
Do this:

  1. close the door
  2. put the phone onto voicemail
  3. turn off the cell/smart/iPhone
  4. take out a piece of paper and a pencil (or a pen)
  5. now focus - write down the first 3 things you would like to happen  in 2013
  6. next write down the first 3 things you would like to accomplish in 2013
See, with just 5 minutes of focus you have started to create a plan for the New Yea.
Now you job is to take 5 minutes every day for the next week and create the action steps that need to happen for you to get those 3 things done.

Ready, set, Go!

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