Monday, April 2, 2012

Goals Driven By Panic

How does this happen?  Leaders spend a great deal of time developing goals and workback schedules with their teams...and all of sudden, 3 months into the year, they are looking back and start to panic.
They see deadlines looming and no work done.
Worse, they see the deadlines they completely missed.
And then panic sets in.
They can feel the all-nighters coming, the wrath of the team and of course, the potential repercussions with clients.
They can also see all the things they can do to avoid achievement and become less productive.

How do you move yourself from panic-driven goal achievement to you-driven goal achievement process?
  1. develop discipline.  do what you say you will do.
  2. evaluate that you have not planned to overwhelm yourself
  3. delegate more
  4. follow up better
  5. give more honest feedback
  6. communicate
  7. give yourself at least 3 days grace before your actual back from there.
What ideas do you have to move from panic to productive?

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