Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What I Never Expected to Learn

Funny how the roads you travel on in the different facets of your life seem to converge every once in a while and land you right at not a cross-roads,  or even an intersection, more of a vortex that you can wade through..
What am I talking about?
I had the pleasure last week of filling 3 days with learning.  In Leadership Windsor-Essex our day was spent discussing and experiencing health and human services.  This was eye-opening to say the least.  I am now beginning to understand how human services work in my area - not sure of my conclusions yet...will keep you posted.

I spent another 2 days visiting Atlanta Georgia for a Host Retreat for Leadercast - an event my business partner and I host each year in May with the support of the St. Clair College Alumni Association.  This was an opportunity to connect with other host site facilitators as well as the company that sponsors the event - Chick-fil-A.  This is one of the most interesting (and amazing) companies I have ever visited.  The basis of their values is quite simple -
  Do not be a transaction company....give value beyond the transaction.  And there is a lot more to say with this....but I digress.
It was in connecting with the 187 other sites that attended that I learned about how others promote Leadercast and why they do it.  Not only why, but where.  It was the generosity of spirit and guidance the truly impacted me.  This, along with learning how these community leaders move forward and take care of each other in each community.  Many of the hosts are ministries or churches  - and their focus is on developing the leadership in their community so that they can all move forward together.  This is also our reason - for providing hope and inspiration, along with a day of networking and community about leadership.  I guess what really struck me was how they take Leadercast beyond, how it is integral to the work they do.  It was truly a transformational event.
Coming back to the city, I prepared for a fundraising and awareness event for Homelessness Awareness week which started on Saturday - again..the vortex continued to expand in my vision.
I never expected to be treated like royalty at the Detroit Metro Airport - amazing service.
I never expected to be taken care of and appreciated in the manner that Giant Impaet did this week.
I never expected to meet as many focused and like-minded individuals.
I never expected to look in the mirror and see a changed person looking back.
Who did you see when you looked in the mirror this morning?

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