Monday, December 29, 2014

Shining A Light on What's Done

Posts this time of year usually come from reflection on what has passed in the previous 11 months.  This one is no different.

It's time to shine a light on what got done, didn't get done and how to overcome that baggage next year.  Just like the trees lit up at this time of year, when you see them there are really 2 different perspectives - all the tiny lights or the total glow of the tree.

Let's look at the tiny lights of my business (and by no means is this everything....)

What got done (the bright bulbs):

    • new clients on boarded
    • clients completing their coaching 
    • flushing out of roadmap to success - my process
    • deeper understanding of where I like to spend my time
    • focus on implementation
What didn't get done (the burnt out bulbs):

    • didn't get the book published
    • didn't post all 100 days before the end of the year - missed 14!!
    • didn't start next Mastermind Team
    • didn't get as physically active as needed (I like my chair & my Mac)
    • didn't unplug enough
So now what happens?  After using my worksheets throughout the month of November and executing the details that will get 2015 off to a great start, I have a calm and peace about next steps.

By shining a light on what's done, it's much easier to get to the next steps and focus.  Take apart all of the tiny lights of your business - the ones that help to create that beautiful glow....and eliminate the burnt out bulbs.  While those burnt out bulbs may not affect the overall glow, they can somewhat diminish the brightness.

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