Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What is Happy?

Lots has been said about happy.  Do you know what it means to you?
More importantly, do you know what it means to your team?
Each member of your team interprets this word differently - and some don't even equate happy with state of being, but only with a smile on their face.

How do you focus on happy?  How do you bring joy to work, play & home with you?
Happy is a key factor in engagement & retention.
Happy is a key factor in mental health.
Happy is a key factor in success.
Happy is a key factor in self-confidence & self-esteem.
Happy leads to kindness.
Happy takes gratefulness.
Happy can be all it needs to be.

The wonderful thing about happy is is whatever we want it to be, and as we grow, learn and change so does our happy.

Your job for today - look for happy as it happens.  Happy is about perspective and experience.
Tell me about your happy.

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