Friday, May 2, 2014


We all have it.  That little spark.
The one that becomes what we are know for in all of our circles. It is our star.

As a leader this becomes that one thing that you say or do; it serves to inspire others; it becomes the touchstone of who you are and why you do what you do?

This sparkle can also be known as your personal brand - it is that one thing that gets you 'fired-up!'.  It is that one thing that you will not compromise.  It is that one thing, that even on the most difficult day, when you think about it, you can still smile.  Your team knows that this is your go-to in tough times and it is what you measure success against.

What is your spark?  What makes you sparkle?
How do you define it?
What do you do with it?
How do you help other showcase their spark?

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