Friday, April 5, 2013

Notes from To Sell Is Human

If you have not yet read Daniel Pink's To Sell Is Human, you are missing out on a great read that engages you in evaluating your everyday conversations and interactions with everyone around you.

Not only that, Pink goes on to provide you will applicable resources and tools that you can use immediately.  For example - did you know there is not only an extrovert and an introvert, now also an 'ambit-vert'.  There is a quick 18 question survey to take to see into which category you fall (after having taken the survey, I validated my 'extroverted' nature, and was provided with tips that can help me move more towards centre on this continuum.)

More than anything, the examples and research presented is easy reading and definitely hard copy book is full of post-it notes to review and share with clients (so get ready!).

Top 3 lessons that impacted me -
  1. Clarity comes from learning to ask better questions.  Did you know that there is a brain trust dedicated to questions called the Right Question Institute?  I do now and will be working with their website and ideas to learn to ask better questions, including the unexpected, irrational question.
  2. There are 6 pitch methods - I will be working on the exercises Pink provides to hone my skills here and help my clients with this as well - especially to assist in articulating common threads and assisting to develop teams.
  3. Servant Leadership lives and breathes. When I first learned this concept it felt like air in my lungs, a song in my soul. It was perfectly okay to help others and be there for others as the leader, serving first.  The simple emphasis again brought joy to my heart and has helped me look at my work to ensure that as I interact with people and we work together that we are both better for having connected.
Long post, I know, so how about reading the book and providing your lessons!

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