Monday, October 8, 2012

The Cornucopia

So in Canada, it is Thanksgiving.
A nice long weekend....and time to reflect on what we are truly grateful for in our lives.

As leaders, this time is the perfect opportunity to share with your team; your colleagues and those in your closest circle how you feel about them.  Does this sound kind of mushy?  Yes.....I am sure it does.  So how do you help others know what they mean to you?  Here are a few ideas:

  1. a personal thank you - note, email, text message (for those who can't do the face to face)
  2. a group thank you and review of accomplishments so far
  3. a face-to-face thank you - with a big smile
  4. wishes for a great weekend -individually with a quick discussion on what the weekend holds
Take your own time to think of the cornucopia of blessings you have - Happy Thanksgiving.

I am grateful for you - my blog-readers and so much more!

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