Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Accidents aka the art of listening

Happy accidents can come from anywhere.  I have had the luxury (blessing, gift) to benefit from learning from my clients.  

As a coach, I work hard to ask the right questions, listen to the responses and leave white-space or quiet to allow each of us to digest the information before we move on.

This is truly a wonderful experience and I am grateful the for the lightbulbs and 'ah-ha' moments that develop.  I am even more grateful when I can take the learning my clients have achieved and apply it inwardly to myself or my own business; even share the thoughts with other clients that may be heading in the same direction.

In the last month, from listening, many happy accidents have developed.

  • unplugged time - white space days
  • dropped projects that weren't focused on my priorities
  • unspent money for tools that would not align with my focus
  • reached out to new people to share and connect
Now, I am looking for happy accidents everywhere. 

Have you had any happy accidents in the last month?

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