Thursday, January 10, 2013

Your 5 Pound Rock

So....a friend had a rock thrown through the sign at the front of his business....
Not having changed or updated the sign in the past few years, this rock, while a giant pain.....expensive one too, gave my friend the opportunity to step back and make a change to the sign that more completely explains his business focus.

You are asking why is this important? Well, for my friend, his business has evolved, and he was presented with the opportunity to make a significant step into the future.

What does it take for you to step back and look at your business, your sign, your process, your business plan.....(I could go on but I think you get the gist of this!)....Do you need a 5-lb rock or can you build this into your plan for each monthly review?

I have to thank my friend and his rock.....funny enough, he helped me move my business forward to clearly identify myself and how I can help leaders. And he did it sans rock (I am sure there is a whole other story here..)

Check out the new website at - live and large!

1 comment:

Frank Abbruzzese said...

What a good story! Congratulations on moving your business forward and for making a difference with people like us.